Let It Go

LET IT GO!!!!!!!

It has taken me what seems like forever to write this blog.  Meanwhile, I created tips on how to let it go and a ‘wheel” about why we should let it go. Writing a coherent paragraph, let alone more than one isn’t happening right now...and guess what...that’s ok. I’m taking my own advice and I am letting it go.  What am I letting go, no idea but whatever “IT” is, it’s gone.  God reminds us “to cast all our anxieties on Him, for he cares for us.”

I encourage you to have some fun and build a relationship with yourself.  Valentine’s is approaching and we have always been taught to seek someone other than ourselves to make us happy.  Will you be my Valentine?  Would you be YOUR Valentine?  Are you happy, joyous?  Do you see the beauty in the world, or do you focus on everything that is wrong?  Decide today to be your Valentine.  Buy yourself some flowers, your fave food( sweet, savory or both) Do it up!!!  Shower yourself with love and forgiveness.  Grant yourself GRACE.  Once you do, you will see that burden you were carrying is much lighter, it may have even disappeared.